Wednesday, July 31, 2013

caracteristicas de los seres vivos

con Agustin fila hicimos un popplet sobre las características de los seres vivos. Agregamos una imagen a cada característica e información sobre ella. El popplet lo compartimos para poder compartirlo los dos al mismo tiempo

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

formal letter

dear sir Roberts,
                          hello I am a 12-year-old boy. my name is Steve I wrote this letter because when I transported with the time machine you ask me to explain you what did I feel.

What I feel when I transported was that I fly and that I can do what I want, but the most beatiful part is that you feel that you are in a spa I want to see you and I have a surprise I will translate near your house, the better part is that I will go to the orange house that is near your house.
                                                                                                        your fathfully
                                                                                                                            Steve Monrow

Monday, July 8, 2013

l` arbre gènèalogique

acá esta el link de mi popplet:

Acà les dejo el documento donde les explico el árbol genealògico

industrial revolution

here is the link of the popplet about the scientific and technology of the industrial revolution:

je me presente

Sunday, July 7, 2013

scribble maps

here is my scribble maps of the  Russia empire:
                                                                            scribble maps