Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An essay on ;the strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

In the class of L/L Writing we start sawing Literary Essay, we analysed and learn how to write one. The teachers assing us to creat our Literary Essay about the themes of "The Strange cas of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde",she tell us to do it in pairs, I do it with Agustin Fila
Here it is our essay:

An essay on "The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" 

In the story "The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", whose author is Robert Louis Stevenson, a scientific wants to separate the evil part from the good part of a human. When he creates the potion, he drinks it, and he transforms in his evil part "Mr.Hyde" and he become addict. This takes him to his death when he commits suicide because he cause damage to many people. The themes to analyse in this essay are; Violence, The Rational vs. the Irrational and The Duality of Human Nature.

The story has powerful violent scenes. In a way Mr.Hyde it is innocent, because for example the girl and the man that Hyde kills are innocent but also Dr.Jekyll can be guilty because he knows what the potion does  and he drinks it anyway. At night when Mr.Hyde appears he scares people and sometimes he kills them like a frightener. Dr.Jekyll can be also innocent because he gots addict to the potion and when he drinks it, his bad part of his body controls him. For example: " The man trampled calmly over the childs body and left her screaming on the ground".

In the story Dr.Jekyll is irrational when drinks the potion because he was addict, at first when he was rational because he knows that when he drinks the potion he transforms in the bad part of his body, "Mr.Hyde". Mr.Hyde is irrational because he has no control of himself, he kills, murders and scares people when Dr.Jekyll drinks the potion. For example "unspecified, vague, but ominous allusions  to pleasures and dreadful vices somewhere behind the scenes. On the one side there is 'reality'; on the other, 'a nightmare world'."

The theory of a dual human nature explains only after all the events of the story are analyse; including Hyde`s crimes and his ultimate eclipsing of Dr.Jekyll; in the story at the ends appears the discovery that Dr.Jekyll was Mr.Hyde. Jekyll creates the potion to separate his sides, at first his good side dominates him, but when he got addict to the potion his bad part start to dominate him, until he commicts suicide to stop it. For example Utterson says that Hyde is "troglodyte" and he nevers imagines that Hyde and Jekyll are the same man, as he finds it impossible to reconcile their strikngly different behaivor.

In "The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" the author writes powerful themes as Violence and The Rational vs. the Irrational. But the theme that means more for me is The Duality of Human Nature, because the story is base in these theme. Reading this makes me realize how different the evil part of someone can be from the good one. This is so different that the crimes of Hyde takes Jekyll to commict suicide.


Peter Pan

The film is about a child who is called Peter Pan who one night went to London to ask three kids called Wendy, John and michael if they wanted to go with him to neverland (a place where people did not grow up). When they went to neverland, they met the lost children.

Wendy started taking care of the lost children and her brothers. Peter Pan had a enemy called Hook, Hook thought of making an ambush with Tinker bell`s help. They poisoned a glass but when Peter Pan was going to drink it, Tinker Bell threw the glass and some she drank some drops. As a result, she was going to die and the only way to save her was if children believed in fairies. They had several fights but one day, the hook captured the three children and the lost children. He obliged them to jump overboard, but Peter Pan saved them, and finally, the three children came back to London.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Richi Maccow cleaning

In the class of em/history writting we started doing news reports and here I write my new report

Richi Maccow cleaning

Two saturdays ago, the all blacks, directed by Richi Maccow, won the match and they became the champions of the showering championship. When the match finished, Richi Maccow, the captain of the all blacks, cleaned the locker room.

This happened two weeks ago, when the all blacks won the rugby championship cup in New Zealand against South Africa. It was very exciting match because it was the final cup.

After the match, they celebrated together and when they finished they went into the locker room and they took a shower. When they were ready to go, the captain stayed and started cleaning everything. He cleared all the papers and bottles. This came to notice because they are the best team of the world.

Fans thought that this was a very nice gesture because, in that way, the captain showed that they had respect for the other team.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

El trabajo de todo un año

Durante todo el año estuvimos haciendo dibujos e intervenciones en arte junto a nuestra profesora Florencia, acá abajo les dejo mis dibujos con una breve explicación:

                                                                1-Caratula (libre)
En plástica tuvimos que elegir algo que nos represente yo elegí a papa pitufo porque soy el mas grande del grado y un de los mas petisos, después teníamos que buscar palabras que describan lo que habíamos elegido y hacer un dibujo con las palabras escritas:
3-Composicion con figuras geométricas planas
Luego de hacer este dibujo había que dibujar con formas geométricas lo que habíamos elegido:
4-Composicion con figuras geométricas planas representando una historia
después había que escribir una breve  historia sobre los dibujos geométricos de nuestros amigos, a partir de eso avis que hacer un dibujó con hojas de revisas recortadas:
Despues el viernes 16 de mayo realizamos una salida a Capital Federal, San Telmo.

  Primero visitamos el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires (MACBA), debido a que nos ayuda con el proyecto de poesía visual que estamos realizando con las siguientes materias: Practicas del lenguaje, Arte, Construcción de la ciudadanía y Matemática. Allí vimos obras de la muestra llamada "Instante Eterno" hecha por Fabián Burgos; vimos obras relacionadas con el movimientos y los colores. 

Luego fuimos al Parque Lezama; allí almorzamos, nos divertimos un poco en unos juegos, nos contaron la historia de lo que antes era el Museo Histórico Nacional, y vimos el anfiteatro que esta ubicado en el parque. 

Finalmente visitamos el Museo Etnográfico, debido a que nos quedaba cerca, fuimos. Allí vimos elementos de Pueblos Originarios de todo el mundo y también nos contaron un poco más de las distintas culturas. 

Luego en grupos hicimos un collage con letras recortadas en base a una poesía que creamos:

Más tarde nos dividimos en grupos. En mi grupo estaban Camila Kos, Felipe Rolón y Victoria Redigo. Cada uno de nosotros tuvo que hacer una poesía y llevarla a clase. Luego mezclando las cuatro poesías hicimos una sola una vez terminada, tuvimos que pensar como representarla, eligiendo un lugar del colegio. Nosotros elegimos un pasillo en donde se encuentran los baños. Allí  realizamos nuestra intervención con figuras geométricas, hechas de papel afiche y cartulina, de los colores del arcoiris. Aquí esta nuestra intervención y nuestra poesía: 

                  Baño Mujeres:

              Baño Hombres:

Video de la intervención entera


Finalmente tuvimos que juntar las fotos y el video en un video y ponerle música. Aqu está:


Ya que el colegio cumplía 25 años, la profesora nos hizo hacer una poesía todos juntos:

Aun sigo teñido/a de colores
Si apostamos por el cariño y la sinceridad
Encontraremos el amor y la amistad,
Construyendo felicidad.
Con una cucharita de esperanza.
Liberaras tu confianza.
Colores somo que brillan y crecen
En la mente libremente
Entregando mi corazón con toda mi pasión.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Short story

In L/L writting we are seeing short story, and the teacher say to as that we have to create a story, the story can be write of what we want but it have to finish with this phrase:
-"That was the last time he ever saw me"

And here is my story:

                                         The bad friend and the man of words.

At school there were two boys that were bestfriends, they were called Thomas and Franklin. They always did everything together but at university Thomas went to become a book-keeper, but Franklin wanted to become a doctor. they studied in different universities. However, they were best friends. when they finished university, Franklin said to Thomas if he could be his book-keeper Thomas said, of course.
A lot of time passed. Franklin and Thomas remained beingbest friends, but one day when Thomas was watching tv, he saw the oficial money of the e.e.u.u would be 50% more expensive, so he thought that she could say to Franklin that the money would be the doublé more expensive so Franklin would pay more and that he could put the money in his account of the bank. Thomas thought this because he was losing money of the divorce with his wife.
After two days Thomas started to explain Franklin that the oficial money of the e.e.u.u would be the double more expensive. Franklin started to think that two days ago when he was watching the tv, he saw that the oficial money of the e.e.u.u would be a 50% more expensive. He talked about this with Thomas. However, Franklin paid the double. Every month Franklin paid the double because Franklin was all the day working, so he never watched the tv, but one day that he was ill, he stayed in hs house and started watching tv. In a momento it appeared that the oficial money of the e.e.u.u would be 50% less so he became happy. The next day, that he wasn´t ill, he went to pay. He entered and he said, hello Thomas, and then they started talking about the Works, Franklin didn´t lie about his work but Thomas lied about his work. When Franklin said to Thomas what he had to because he had to go to work, Thomas said the same of always 3.000 dollars, in one second Franklin jumped and said:
"Of course, but can I see the page that said all the money that I had to poay all the months."
"Sorry Frank, but I have thrown those pages all the month." Thomas answered nervously.
"Ok, no problem, so show me the one of this month."Franklin answered.
"Ok!!!!!!!!."Thomas answered with a loud voice.
When Franklin finished Reading the page he started shouting:
"The double of the money I´m paying is wrong you are cheating me, I will kill you and you know I´m
a man of words."

When Thomas got back home, he saw that there was all messy nd when he went to the kitchen he saw Franklin with a gun, Franklin shot Thomas in the head and he killed him. Then he picked up the body and when he entered to the garden of his house he made a big dig and threw the body inside the dig and when he entered the house he said:

"That was the last time he ever saw me"

 Franklin and Thomas when they were child.


Franklin and Thomas when they were 30 years old.

The gun that use Franklin to kill Thomas.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cuento quirogiano

En clase de lengua teníamos que escribir un cuento cumpliendo las 10 reglas quirogianas, teníamos que escribir como máximo 1256 palabras y teníamos que elegir entre tres opciones dadas por la profesora, las opciones eran:
-Las fronteras borrosas entre lo humano y lo natural
-Un caso psicopatológico
-El triunfo de la naturaleza sobre la ciencia.

Yo hice el trabajo con Agustin Fila, nosotros elegimos la tercera opción, acá abajo les dejamos nuestro cuento:

El torteaban

Esteban del torero vivía con una familia de gauchos que vivían entre los toros.Era un 10 de mayo de 1934 en el Chaco Santafesino y el papá de Esteban, Alfredo, se iba a resolver un asunto de negocios con otro gaucho que quería comprarle un toro y le dejó a su hijo una carta con una indicación:

"Hoy va a venir un vendedor del campo tres arroyos a vendernos toros, pero acordate: No compres toros de mala calidad, que esté en perfectas condiciones y no tenga ningún tipo de enfermedad. Los vendedores vendrán a las 10:30 A.M"

Esteban se despertó a las 9:00 y leyó la carta, comio , se bañó y se cambio como un buen gaucho para la ocasión; botas, medias largas, bombacha de gaucho, una camisa, tirantes, la faja y su boina marrón. Se hicieron las 10:30 y fue hacia la puerta a recibir al vendedor, el vendedor llegó, se presentó formalmente y le mostró los cinco toros que le quería vender.
Había 3 de los 5 toros en perfectas condiciones, ninguna lastimadura o enfermedad, uno de los toros estaba enfermo y a otro le faltaba medio cuerno y media oreja. Esteban rechazo comprar esos dos toros en malas condiciones y solo compro tres de los cinco. Llevó a los tres toros al corral con los otros toros, en el transcurso de Esteban y los toros hacia el corral, al llegar al coral el toro no quería pasar hacia su corral entonces se enfureció, saltó bruscamente y de una cornada le arrancó media oreja a Esteban. El toro huyó y Esteban corrió hacia su rancho y espero a la llegada de su padre.
Cuando Esteban llegó, Esteban se había vendado la oreja y había mucha sangre desparramada por el suelo, el padre de Esteban salió corriendo con Esteban al médico del pueblo. Esteban llevó su media oreja con el pero el médico no pudo hacer nada, solamente le curó la oreja y se la volvió a vendar.
Al día siguiente, Alfredo, le dijo a su hijo que debía cuidar mejor a los toros para que no vuelva a ocurrir un accidente de este nivel, porque en la próxima semana iba a venir un domador del pueblo a llevarse un toro para domarlo.
Era 24 de mayo y Esteban había pasado toda la semana, dia tras noche, cuidando y educando a los toros porque al día siguiente iba a venir el domador. Esa noche Esteban había dormido en el corral, ya era como su casa. La próxima mañana, a las 10:00 llegó el domador, Eduardo. Eduardo fue hacia el corral y Esteban estaba actuando raro, entonces Eduardo le pidió un toro para llevarse y Esteban salió del corral y fue con Eduardo. Eduardo noto que a Esteban le estaban creciendo dos cuernos y pezuñas y empezó a pedir auxilio pero nadie escuchó.
Esteban se preparó en pose de toro para atacar a Eduardo y le salto en la rodilla. eduardo no tuvo otra alternativa que atacar pero cuando se dio vuelta Esteban se había convertido completamente en toro y se preparó para pegarle y lo mató.
Eduardo estaba desparramado en el piso rodeado por un charco de sangre, tenía la piel fría y amarilla, el hueso se le escapaba de la rodilla y tenía muchos golpes y rasguños. Estaba cada vez más flaco mientras iba perdiendo sangre, le salía sangre de la rodilla y de la boca. También tenía medio cuerno clavado en la espalda pero eso le tapaba la salida de sangre.
A la media hora Alfredo salió del rancho y vio que Eduardo estaba muerto y Esteban no estaba ni en los campos, pero noto que habia un toro fuera del corral y no le parecía conocido. Alfredo lo observo bien y se dio cuenta de que le faltaba media oreja y medio cuerno y se acordó de que Esteban había perdido media oreja.
Alfredo no sabia que hacer con lo sucedido y fue a conversarlo con el médico del pueblo:
"medico, tengo que hacerle dos preguntas importantes para mi yo no se hacer con esto pero usted quizás sepa."Le pregunto de una forma desesperada.
"Bueno señor si quiere yo le respondo pero necesito que se tranquilice porque si no, no voy a poder responderle, bueno hágame sus preguntas." Le pregunto de una forma calma

"Esta bien tiene razón la primera pregunta es que yo fui al corral por mi hijo y no lo encontre pero encontre el cuerpo de Eduardo que venía por un toro al momento vi que Esteban no estaba pero encontre un toro afuera del corral que le faltaba todo un cuerno, lo que mas me asusto fue que hace unos dias Esteban había perdido medio oreja y al toro le faltaba todo el cuerno, pero mitad del cuerno estaba en la espalda de Eduardo, en conclusion el toro es mi hijo y no se que hacer." Alfredo le conto al medico desesperado

"Bueno, yo no tengo mucho que decir, lo principal es que Esteban siempre va a ser su hijo quiera o no, si usted lo ama lo va a tener que cuidar para siempre." El medico respondio de una forma formal

" Mi segunda pregunta es por que se convirtio en un toro." Le pregunto mas relajado

" Me contaron que su hijo a estado toda la semana cuidan toros porque usted se fue, bueno mi conclusion es que al pasar mucho tiempo el entendio lo que les pasaba y se convirtio en uno de ellos"

Alfredo decidió cuidar al toro Esteban y lo nombro Torteban como si fuera su hijo y siguió con el trabajo de familia.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


En clase de Físico química con una tabla periódica teníamos que buscar los elementos químicos que nosotros conocíamos luego cada uno de tenia que elegir uno y hacer una presentación corta del elemento elegido, yo elegí fósforo, aquí abajo les dejo mi presentación:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Review Peter Pan

Peter Pan is an adventure film by disney (pixar). The directors are Hamiltol Luske, Clyde Geronimi, wilfred Jackson. this story takes place in London and Neverland. This film is about 3 kids and Peter Pan (another kid), but he is different because he never grows up.

The story is about these 3 kids who live in London. One night, Peter Pan asks them to go to Neverland with him. They go to Neverland with him. They go to neverland  and there they meet the missing kids who are good kids. After that , they start playing, but one day the hook appears and he captures the missing kids, the kids of london and Peter Pan.

The cast is excellent. The dialogues, costumes, and performances are all very.It used to be a very good film, however now that technology has improved this movie seems rather boring

I wouldn't recommend this film to adolescent but the little kids will find it very interesting.

The 3 kids and Peter Pan flying in London.

The 3 kids and Peter Pan flying in Neverland.

These are Peter Pan and Wendy


Monday, September 8, 2014


Con las materias de arte, lengua, ticx tuvimos que trabajar en el patio del colegio haciendo con figuras de papel, luego al finalizar tuvimos que sacar fotos y con esas fotos teniamos que intervenir en nuestro cuerpo, sacandonos una foto para este trabajo yo utilize pic collage y aca abajo les dejo mi trabajo:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

creating a character

In Drama I was asked to create a character and give her a voice so I wrote a Monologue. In My case I wrote about a girl who transformed into a Peacock.  This is me delivering the monologue.
Here is my monologue:
It pass a week since I transform in the monster I am, I now know why I transform in this because the pólice is looking for me and in this times the pólice are robots so I have the head of a robot, I don´t like this transformation because of it I have to steal to eat and my friends don´t want to be with me.I was a good boy but this transformation change my life, adding to the change that happen, when I was five years old my parents have to go to prison for all their life, I have to go with my aunt she thing that I was slave but I am not his slave, so when I transform in this monster I escape from the house to this abandoned house, I had make a big error because now I don´t have money, but now that I think this life is better but I´m very hungry Iwill go to steal and said sorry to the People that Iam going to steal.

Here is my perform:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dr Jekyll diary entry

In L.L writing we are studying  "Diary entry" and in  literature we are working with the book "The strange case of Dr. Jeckill and Mr Hyde". So, In LL writing we wrote 2 diaries entries about the book.

Here they are:

Dear diary                                                                                                  14 september 1839

It was a good day of potions but today was different, I have created a potion that what it does is to change you into a monster. i became into a strong monster. It was night and I went to the street, I moved in all the dark, I didn't know where to go, so I started to walk in circles. In one moment I was going to enter to my house but mr Utterson appeared and he touched my shoulder. He started asking questions to me but I ignored him and I entered. I started writting this diary entry to remember that when I enter to my house, I have to see if I'm alone because now I know that mr Utterson know where I live this could be a big problem, because they know that the monster had something with me so I have to be careful, I have to be like an eagle because if not they will catch me.

Dear diary                                                                                            15 september 1839

Today I made a big mistake, I used the potion again but today I went to the street of london and I destroyed two restaurants, four bars and one school. That is not the big problem, the problem is that six policemen saw me and they tried to catch me but I entered from the back door. Now the policemen know where I live and tomorrow they will come to check my house. I'm in a big problem, but it has a solution. I have to sell the potion, and he drank the potion, I cought him and I called the policemen, that I have the door of the back of my house is open and I give to the policemen "MR HYDE", but I can't. I became addicted to the potion what I can do, but I can't, I will try not to drink it anymore I'm going to make a big effort. I don't know what I can do because it is a new potion, I will be famous, but I will go to prision. Tomorrow I will find what I can do.

Here is a caricature of dr Jekyll and mr Hide

Here is a picture of dr Jekyll and mr Hide

Here is the back door of dr Jekyll house

Monday, August 4, 2014

A traves de los ojos de Albers Josef

Los chicos de 2do hicimos una visita al museo M.A.C.B.A donde vimos distintos tipos de cuadros. Cuando volvimos al colegio nos metimos en la pagina del museo y elegimos un cuadro que nos gustara de algún artista.
Yo trabaje con Agustin Fila y elegimos una obra de Albers Josef. Después había que buscar en google tres obras diferentes del mismo artista. Las profesoras nos mostraron un vídeo en donde relataban una poesía, y nos pidieron que creáramos una poesía y que hiciéramos un vídeo con las obras del artista. Esto se llama una poesía visual. Para crear el vídeo usamos Movie Maker y para editar las imágenes usamos Paint. Para grabar nuestras voces también usamos la grabación de Movie Maker.
Acá esta el video:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trip in Bolivia

      In class of  L/L writting we have to choose a place and do a description of a place, the things that we have to use in  the description:
                            background information
                            good points
                            bad points
                            things you can see and do
Here is my last draft
Bolivia is a city located in west-central south America. They have a population of about 10.0 million.They border with Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru, it is one of the biodiverse countries in the world. This country is famous for its vegetables and fruits.

 I really love its vegetables and fruits. I enjoy this country becausemy cousin is from there, and I like it because of the Ziticora that is very long, it passes into two countries Bolivia and Peru.

The only thing that I dont like of Bolivia is the day of Agust because the only thing that they do in that day is to fight between differents families, so the problem is that they have a lot of people that die. Theo other part of the population they injured each other a lot, and they have to be in the hospital.

The things that you can see are the Lake Titicata, the mountain Sajana, the Lake Manore, the different types of animals, the culture that is different from other countries and something good to eat can be a salad.

Bolivia is my favorite city because of the vegetables and fruits, the Titicata lake, and that my cousin is from this city.

                                                  The flag of Bolivia
                                                     the Lake Ttitica

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A San Telmo

el dia viernes 16 de mayo 2A y 2B fuimos a una escurcion a la que asistimos al museo magba, en el cual habia una expocicion del artista Fabian Burgo por lo tanto presentaba la busqueda de efectos opticos mediante la intensidad del color, la vibracion y el movimiento
 Luego fuimos al parque Lezama, alli almorzamos, conversamos y alli fuimos a la plaza donde tuvimos un tiempo de ocio peri debido a la preseptora no pudimos disfrutar completamente los juegos ya que no pudimos disfrutar completamente los juegos ya que no nos dejaba amacarnos como cualquier chico lo haria en una simple amaca o jugar en el pasamanos donde teniamos mas altura que el juego.
Alli en, el parque, florencia barletta, nuestra profesora de plastica ictoria, la prque nos explico la historia y varios detalles sobre el parque

Paso un tiempo y fuimos al museo etnografico en el cual observamos cosas del pasado de latino america donde allamos cosas muy interesantes 

Finalmente regresamos al colegio acompañados por amalia , la director, victoria, la preseptora, florencia, profesora de plastica y laura, profesora de lengua .Esta visita fue devido a empezar con un nuevo proyecto llamado poesia visual