Sunday, May 31, 2015

Femur vacuno

En la clase de biología fuimos al laboratorio y tuvimos que hacer una observación de material fresco, un femur de vaca). Tuvimos que observar todas sus partes y sacar fotos al progreso. Luego las imágenes tuvimos que intervenirlas en Skitch y marcar todas sus partes. En el grupo de la observación del fémur trabaje con Matias Castro, Agustin Fila y Ramiro Coucerio. En la intervención de skitch trabaje con Matias Casto. Utilizamos Slide share.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Reactor nuclear

Investigando sobre reactores nucleares decidimos investigar sobre uno en especifico El Reactor Nuclear Embalse. A continuación les dejo una serie de características que mi grupo de compañeros y yo investigamos sobre este reactor.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Learning a foreign language

In the class of language we were asing to create an article about learning a foreing language. First we make a brainstorming abot the advantages of learning it. I mark the connectors with blue ; here is my article:

Do you know a foreing language? It is worth to study any oreing language?

One advantage is that you can sit for international exams, due to these exams, you can have a better CV. In addition you can understand movies, songs, books, etc.

Althoug you have to study a lot it can give you a lot of advantefes, such as communication, make friends and eventualy you can find your way around other countries.

As a result is good to learn a foreing language because you can have better job opportunities and you can go to study to other country.


In class we were asked to write the theory of an Article. We took the information about the theory from a book called Close-Up B2, and we had to make a chart. And here are the things that you should include to write an Article. I do it with Agustin Fila, Felipe Rolon and Pedro Amado.

Story writing

In the language class we were asked to write a story and to use and underline:
-Five connectors
-Three sequence markers
-Two examples of direct speech
We were given a prompt sentence that was "Mark couldn`t believe his good luck".

Mark couldn´t believe his good luck of these years since Mark is a goal-keeper and his team isn´t very good. However he is a excellent goal-keeper. Addtionally, we can say that he caught six penalties, which is amazing for a player of this level. Above all, comparing him with last year he is making a fantastic tournament 

We are here in Mark Antone's playing profesionally, he is debuting in Brown de Adrogué. The match finished with a won over Temperley for 3-1, but the coach is going to tell somethimg to Mark:

" Mark I want to tell you something you are the best goal-keeper I ever know, first you catch a penalty, second you catch a ball that was going to the angle, and third you are fantastic."

"Thanks coach" Mark answered

When he finished he went to the car with his mom and he said to his mom:

"All the things in the world I made were thanks to you, you are my person to follow." Mark said crying.

Subsequently his mom started to cry. After that they went home.

Catching the ball

Catching the penalty

Friday, May 22, 2015

Impacts in the WWI

Story theory

In the class of language, we were asing to create a popplet about the Story Theory. We decided to do it in a popplet, I do it with Agustin Fila.