Con mi compañero de clases, Felipe preparamos una presentación de la materia Construcción de la Ciudadanía con todo el contenido trabajado en el año. Acá les dejamos nuestra presentación
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Apárato sexual femenino
La profesora de biología nos asigno una tarea que era buscar una foto sobre el aparato sexual femenino y marcar en la imagen sus órganos y su funcionamiento, acá abajo les dejo mi trabajo
¡Lleguemos a cero!
La profesora de Biología, nos pidió que hagamos una entrada sobre el VIH o SIDA. La profesora subió un vídeo a su blog sobre "ONUSIDA". Y nosotros tuvimos que responder unas preguntas sobre el vídeo:
¿Qué es ONUSIDA?
¿Cuales son los objetivos que proponen?
¿A que se refiere el título de la entrada?
Onusida: Es el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA. Se estableció en enero de 1996 para dar respuesta al VIH y afrontar la pandemia a nivel mundial.
-Que el virus no se propague más
-Que no se discrimine a las personas que tienen sida
-Que no haya mas muertes
El titulo de la entrada se refiere a que hay que llegar a "cero" discriminacion, "cero" muertes y "cero" infeccion
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Esta en nuestras manos
La profesora de biología nos mando mando una tarea sobre el vih, que habla de lo que hay que hacer para no tener problema con el. Acá abajo les dejo mi trabajo
VIH: Sigla de virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, virus causante del sida.
Se refiere a que esta en nuestras manos contagiarnos o prevenir el VIH, que hay que saber si tenemos el virus o no. Para esto todos deben hacerse pruebas de salud para ver si lo tienen y si alguno tiene el virus del VIH es mejor consultarlo con el medico lo antes posible y con ello una mejor calidad de vida o mantenerse internado. También advierte que usemos preservativos en todas las relaciones sexuales.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Mark couldn´t believe his good luck
we were asked to write a short story with some things given by the teacher:
prompt sentence: "Mark couldn´t believe his good luck."
A)Five connectors
B)Three sequence markers (first, then, ...)
C)Two examples of direct speech
Mark couldn´t believe his good luck of this year because Mark now is a goal-keeper and his team isn´t very good however he is a excellent goal-keeper, additionally we can say that he catch 6 penalties that is amazing for a player of this level above all comparing him with the last year he is making a fantastic tournament.
we are here in the first match of Mark Antone profesionally, he is debuting in Brown De Adrogue. The match finish with a won over Temperley for 3-1, but the coach is going to tell something to Mark:
"Mark I want to tell you something you are the best goal-keeper I ever know, first you catch a penaltie, second you catch a ball that was going to the angle, and third you are fantastic."
"Thanks coach." Mark answer
When he finish he went to the car with his mother and he say to his mom:
"All the things in the world I made were thanks you, you are my person to follow" Mark say crying
Subsequently his mom started to cry.
prompt sentence: "Mark couldn´t believe his good luck."
A)Five connectors
B)Three sequence markers (first, then, ...)
C)Two examples of direct speech
Mark couldn´t believe his good luck of this year because Mark now is a goal-keeper and his team isn´t very good however he is a excellent goal-keeper, additionally we can say that he catch 6 penalties that is amazing for a player of this level above all comparing him with the last year he is making a fantastic tournament.
we are here in the first match of Mark Antone profesionally, he is debuting in Brown De Adrogue. The match finish with a won over Temperley for 3-1, but the coach is going to tell something to Mark:
"Mark I want to tell you something you are the best goal-keeper I ever know, first you catch a penaltie, second you catch a ball that was going to the angle, and third you are fantastic."
"Thanks coach." Mark answer
When he finish he went to the car with his mother and he say to his mom:
"All the things in the world I made were thanks you, you are my person to follow" Mark say crying
Subsequently his mom started to cry.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Proceso creativo 2015
La profesora de plastica nos pidio que juntemos todos los trabajos y hagamos una presentación, acá abajo dejo mi presentación:
Friday, October 23, 2015
Dear editor
Andrea, the best language teacher, asked us to write a formal letter. For this assigment, she gave us some instructions:
- Start the letter "Dear editor"
- Follow the plan on page 93
- Use "Useful expressions"
- Introducty comments: 1
- Agreeing: 3
- Explaning your views: 2
- Claryfing: 2
- 150 words
Dear editor,
I read your article about the crimes, I fully agree with advising people to protect their homes ans posessions, that is to say, prevent crime.
I am in agreement with the idea of instalating cameras on the streets, because of this, the police will be able to catch a lot of thieves and burglaries. Also, they can respond to crime quickly if not therefore sometimes they arrive when thieves have already left. Police can also patrol the streets, in other words, make thieves go out of the streets.
The role of citizens is to install alarms or sensors in the neighbourhood houses, so if something happen in one house, neighbours will know and advice police that is to organzie in groups of neighbours. I fully support avoid taking out the garbage at night and talking to strangers because a thieve can burglary you.
As a conclusion with all this crimes can be prevent.
Thank you!
Agustin Fila
Monday, October 19, 2015
Oh Romeo! oh Romeo!
In the class of language we were ask to write a essay of a play that the school create that was named Oh Romeo! oh Romeo!, this play won the first price by the people that saw it, here I left my essay:
In this work we were ask to answer some questions
-What´s your opinion about thye play?
-why did/didn´t you like it?
-What did the script writers take into account when they wrote the script?
-Why do you think it meant a lot of work to put on this play?
-What aspects do you think were taken into account?
-Why was the play succesful?
-Write the essay covering the above points (150)words
-In my opinion,
-Personally, I believe/guess
-From the(artistic)-point of view
-I don´t agree
-I´m against
-15 connectors
In my opinion, it is a notably play due to the effort that the writers of the play mode to create the mixed of many plays by Shakespeare like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, etc.Aditionally the actors played their roles very well and they were in the shoes of the characters. On the other hand Ilike the play because of the pronunciation and the actors talent.
I could find that from the artistic point of view they know what they had to make so they gave us a good play, and the writters also added some parts of the script from the Shakespearean plays that are famous like "to be, or not to be" they use the words in the same way as the real plays.
I agree with the play, although I disagree in some parts, first I don´t agree with two parts where the same actors appear, first as a man that fight with Capulet and consequently it appear as another man that was in another place, eventhough he acted very well.
Personally, I believe that this play was successful because the work that was taken to create this play was excellent, above all I´m against the people that believe that this was a boring play similarly the others plays that were taken into competition, we can say that Romeo in some parts were very funny, when I watched I realise that it was one of the best plays I have watched.
In this work we were ask to answer some questions
-What´s your opinion about thye play?
-why did/didn´t you like it?
-What did the script writers take into account when they wrote the script?
-Why do you think it meant a lot of work to put on this play?
-What aspects do you think were taken into account?
-Why was the play succesful?
-Write the essay covering the above points (150)words
-In my opinion,
-Personally, I believe/guess
-From the(artistic)-point of view
-I don´t agree
-I´m against
-15 connectors
In my opinion, it is a notably play due to the effort that the writers of the play mode to create the mixed of many plays by Shakespeare like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, etc.Aditionally the actors played their roles very well and they were in the shoes of the characters. On the other hand Ilike the play because of the pronunciation and the actors talent.
I could find that from the artistic point of view they know what they had to make so they gave us a good play, and the writters also added some parts of the script from the Shakespearean plays that are famous like "to be, or not to be" they use the words in the same way as the real plays.
I agree with the play, although I disagree in some parts, first I don´t agree with two parts where the same actors appear, first as a man that fight with Capulet and consequently it appear as another man that was in another place, eventhough he acted very well.
Personally, I believe that this play was successful because the work that was taken to create this play was excellent, above all I´m against the people that believe that this was a boring play similarly the others plays that were taken into competition, we can say that Romeo in some parts were very funny, when I watched I realise that it was one of the best plays I have watched.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Recursos + orden
En la clase de Lengua estuvimos viendo unos recursos argumentativos para el orden, aca se los dejo mi trabajo, lo hice con Agustin Fila:
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
In the literature class, we were asked to create a presentation about Billenium, including:
•Information about the author
•Descprition of main characters
•the relevance of the tittle
• symbolises
Here is my presentation, I do it with Agustin Fila:
Billenium from Matias Castro
Monday, August 31, 2015
En la clase de lengua vimos una película, "La aldea", después de verla nuestra profesora nos pidió elegir dos escenas y decir que tipo de focalizaciòn encontrábamos.Teníamos que elegir dos tipos una externa y la otra interna. a continuación le dejo los dos extractos de la película: uno de focalizaciòn interna y el otro de focalizacion externa.
Interna: esta es interna porque muestra lo que otra persona esta viendo
Externa: Esta escena es externa por que filma al personaje en un plano fijo.
Interna: esta es interna porque muestra lo que otra persona esta viendo
Externa: Esta escena es externa por que filma al personaje en un plano fijo.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
11 para la gloria
En la clase de TICX con matemática nos hicieron elegir un cuento relacionado con la matemática de la pagina “Ideas geniales para hacer matemáticas divertidas”. Cada grupo tenia que elegir su cuento, elegimos "11 para la gloria". Luego en la parte relacionada con TICX tuvimos que copiar el cuento en un Word y editarlo con las consignas que nos dieron. Trabaje con Agustin Fila.
11 para la gloria:
11 para la gloria:
Thursday, August 13, 2015
En la clase de Biología estamos viendo el tema INMUNIDAD, relacionado con eso las barreras defensivas. Investigamos mas sobre el tema y tuvimos que hacer una presentacion sobre la inmunidad. Para esto use Mindomo, en la presentacion tuvimos que incluir recursos multimedia. Trabaje con Agustin Fila
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Mi cuarta septicemia
En biología tuvimos que leer el cuento " Mi cuarta septicemia" de Horacio Quiroga, después de terminar señalar las palabras desconocidas y buscar su definición, también había que buscar información sobre el autor y decir quien es el narrador del cuento y todo esto había que ponerlo en una presentación, aca abajo les dejo mi presentación:
Hitler became powerful
In the class of history we have to create a time-line about the time that Hitler became powerful, when we correct it we have it to create a myhistro and here is my time-line in myhistro:
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Futuro distante
En clase de lengua tuvimos que leer la historia "Cuanto se divertían", cuando lo terminamos de leer nuestra profesora nos dio unas consignas que eran armar un nuevo invento con artefactos que ya existen crear uno nuevo, de eso hacer una descripción sobre los artefactos que elegimos, luego hacer un dialogo de alguien que lo utiliza en su tiempo y de otro que lo utiliza en el 2015.
El invento se llama Tu casa en un botón. Es un cuadradito chiquito, que entra en la palma de tu mano, y los podes comprar con variedades de colores. En la parte superior tiene un
botón que de ahisaltan las cosas, adentro de una gran carpa con algunas
ventanas a los costados, pero adentro que es lo mas importante tiene unas
cuantas cosas, por ejemplo ellas son la Xbox one para jugar, una televisión
enorme con todos los canales del mundo, un sillón masajeador para poder
relajarse, un sillón en forma de L para
poder tirarte en un lugar comodo con gran espacio, una heladerita con muchas
cosas ricas adentro por si te agarra hambre, y por ultimo un jacuzzi asi podes
relajarte mientras miras la televisión.
“¿Que es eso que tenes ahí?” pregunto el viejo.
“Es un artefacto nuevo, se llama tu casa en un boton, me lo compraron mis viejos,podes
hacer muchas cosas con el” el niño le respondio.
“¿Como cuales?” le volvió a preguntar el viejo.
“Al tocar este botón se abre una carpa con muchas cosas
adentro como por ejemplo la Xbox one, una tv, un sillón masajeador y uno común,
una heladerita y un jacuzzi” le respondio el niño.
“En mi época esas cosas ya existían, pero la construíamos a
mano, ahora lo programas a un robot y te crea todosesos artefactos." le dijo el viejo con vos sabia
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Games at twilight
In the literature class, we were asked to create a presentation about Games of Twilight, including:
•Information about the author
•Descprition of main characters
•The importance of colours
•“Death” in the story
•Feeling of empathy
Here is my presentation, I do it with Agustin Fila
Monday, June 29, 2015
En la clase de Lengua, tuvimos que twittear 2 tweets acerca de cada nucleo narrativo y cada tema del libro "Un veneno saludable. Luego teniamos que hacer una recopilacion de los tweets y crear una historia en storify. Trabaje con Agustin Fila.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Graphic novels
In the language class, we were asked to create a graphic novel of a fable with a moral. To create it we use Pixton, I did it with Agus Fila.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Paisajes de Argentina
En la clase de geografía estamos estudiando sobre la diversidad de paisajes en Argentina, tuvimos que hacer una entrada al blog sobre algunos paisajes de Argentina, acá dejo mi slideshare sobre el trabajo.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Informal-email writting
In class we where asked to write a informal-email about a email that a boy called Tom White, and we have it to follow some steps that were given in the book "close-up B2", in the page 15, this work I made it with Pedro Amado, here is the Informal -email.
From: Paul
Sent: 10 june
Subject: Blog
I´m okay Tom but Iwanted to tell you that this city is very different, is like canada a boring place.
Yes I can tell you to talks with the girls about the new films of vampire that will something interested to the girl and to the boy the only think that you will have to writew in your blog is about Rugby because this sport is a nice game and you can plkay it with friends like football
Yes! I can help but with a condition that you will write all the things and I make it better, and you will have to create two accounts to public more thinks
yes, you have to go to the supermarket that were near my oldest house, in that place they had all the things of the world, when I need something I went to that place and I get it
Hope to hear from you soon,
From: Paul
Sent: 10 june
Subject: Blog
I´m okay Tom but Iwanted to tell you that this city is very different, is like canada a boring place.
Yes I can tell you to talks with the girls about the new films of vampire that will something interested to the girl and to the boy the only think that you will have to writew in your blog is about Rugby because this sport is a nice game and you can plkay it with friends like football
Yes! I can help but with a condition that you will write all the things and I make it better, and you will have to create two accounts to public more thinks
yes, you have to go to the supermarket that were near my oldest house, in that place they had all the things of the world, when I need something I went to that place and I get it
Hope to hear from you soon,
Wales times
In class we where asked to wrote a summary of a article that whe wanted, I chosed Wales times, and then to write a summary, here is my summary:
Wales coach Warren Gatland have feith to win the 2015 world cup. They opening the six nations with a loss against England, Wales won their remaining four games of the six nations. Wales beat Italy 61-20 in their six nations finale, They finished third because of points differences because Ireland won 40-10 over Scotland and they become the new six nations champion.
Wales coach Warren Gatland have feith to win the 2015 world cup. They opening the six nations with a loss against England, Wales won their remaining four games of the six nations. Wales beat Italy 61-20 in their six nations finale, They finished third because of points differences because Ireland won 40-10 over Scotland and they become the new six nations champion.
The six teams of the six nations
Wales against Italy
Ireland champions of the six nations
Writting theory of Informal-email
In class we where asked to write the theory of the Informal-email here is my popplet about it:
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Femur vacuno
En la clase de biología fuimos al laboratorio y tuvimos que hacer una observación de material fresco, un femur de vaca). Tuvimos que observar todas sus partes y sacar fotos al progreso. Luego las imágenes tuvimos que intervenirlas en Skitch y marcar todas sus partes. En el grupo de la observación del fémur trabaje con Matias Castro, Agustin Fila y Ramiro Coucerio. En la intervención de skitch trabaje con Matias Casto. Utilizamos Slide share.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Reactor nuclear
Investigando sobre reactores nucleares decidimos investigar sobre uno en especifico El Reactor Nuclear Embalse. A continuación les dejo una serie de características que mi grupo de compañeros y yo investigamos sobre este reactor.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Learning a foreign language
In the class of language we were asing to create an article about learning a foreing language. First we make a brainstorming abot the advantages of learning it. I mark the connectors with blue ; here is my article:
Do you know a foreing language? It is worth to study any oreing language?
One advantage is that you can sit for international exams, due to these exams, you can have a better CV. In addition you can understand movies, songs, books, etc.
Althoug you have to study a lot it can give you a lot of advantefes, such as communication, make friends and eventualy you can find your way around other countries.
As a result is good to learn a foreing language because you can have better job opportunities and you can go to study to other country.
Do you know a foreing language? It is worth to study any oreing language?
One advantage is that you can sit for international exams, due to these exams, you can have a better CV. In addition you can understand movies, songs, books, etc.
Althoug you have to study a lot it can give you a lot of advantefes, such as communication, make friends and eventualy you can find your way around other countries.
As a result is good to learn a foreing language because you can have better job opportunities and you can go to study to other country.
In class we were asked to write the theory of an Article. We took the information about the theory from a book called Close-Up B2, and we had to make a chart. And here are the things that you should include to write an Article. I do it with Agustin Fila, Felipe Rolon and Pedro Amado.
Story writing
In the language class we were asked to write a story and to use and underline:
-Five connectors
-Three sequence markers
-Two examples of direct speech
We were given a prompt sentence that was "Mark couldn`t believe his good luck".
Mark couldn´t believe his good luck of these years since Mark is a goal-keeper and his team isn´t very good. However he is a excellent goal-keeper. Addtionally, we can say that he caught six penalties, which is amazing for a player of this level. Above all, comparing him with last year he is making a fantastic tournament
We are here in Mark Antone's playing profesionally, he is debuting in Brown de Adrogué. The match finished with a won over Temperley for 3-1, but the coach is going to tell somethimg to Mark:
" Mark I want to tell you something you are the best goal-keeper I ever know, first you catch a penalty, second you catch a ball that was going to the angle, and third you are fantastic."
"Thanks coach" Mark answered
When he finished he went to the car with his mom and he said to his mom:
"All the things in the world I made were thanks to you, you are my person to follow." Mark said crying.
Subsequently his mom started to cry. After that they went home.
-Five connectors
-Three sequence markers
-Two examples of direct speech
We were given a prompt sentence that was "Mark couldn`t believe his good luck".
Mark couldn´t believe his good luck of these years since Mark is a goal-keeper and his team isn´t very good. However he is a excellent goal-keeper. Addtionally, we can say that he caught six penalties, which is amazing for a player of this level. Above all, comparing him with last year he is making a fantastic tournament
We are here in Mark Antone's playing profesionally, he is debuting in Brown de Adrogué. The match finished with a won over Temperley for 3-1, but the coach is going to tell somethimg to Mark:
" Mark I want to tell you something you are the best goal-keeper I ever know, first you catch a penalty, second you catch a ball that was going to the angle, and third you are fantastic."
"Thanks coach" Mark answered
When he finished he went to the car with his mom and he said to his mom:
"All the things in the world I made were thanks to you, you are my person to follow." Mark said crying.
Subsequently his mom started to cry. After that they went home.
Catching the ball
Catching the penalty
Friday, May 22, 2015
Story theory
In the class of language, we were asing to create a popplet about the Story Theory. We decided to do it in a popplet, I do it with Agustin Fila.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
La homeostasis
En la primera clase de biología estuvimos hablando con nuestra profesora sobre la homeostasis, principalmente hablamos de que es, la homeostasis es una propiedad de los organismos vivos que consiste en su capacidad de mantener una condición interna estable compensando los cambios en su entorno.
Luego hay cuatro sistemas ellos son el sistema Integrador que regula, controla y coordina funciones para estar en homoestasis, despúes esta el sistema inmunitario que es un conjunto de estructuras que protege al cuerpo, por ultimo los sistemas nervioso y endócrino mantienen la homeostasis con funciones cognitivas y con el control motriz (movimiento muscular).
Luego hay cuatro sistemas ellos son el sistema Integrador que regula, controla y coordina funciones para estar en homoestasis, despúes esta el sistema inmunitario que es un conjunto de estructuras que protege al cuerpo, por ultimo los sistemas nervioso y endócrino mantienen la homeostasis con funciones cognitivas y con el control motriz (movimiento muscular).
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